Sandy’s Stability

Sandy’s Stability

Artist: Kimberley Harding

Title: Sandy’s Stability

Attribution: Kimberley Harding

Year: 2022

Materials: Sandy’s collection of used and new shoelaces, telephone wire, thread

Dimensions: 9” h x 11” w x 7” d

Image Statement: Sandy’s stability threatened to unravel during her husband’s final months of melanoma and cancer treatment-induced type 1 diabetes. Used to the protection and pampering by her loving husband for over 60 years, she focused on compulsive tidiness, elegance and family. Some of her compulsions included large collections of designer handbags, shoes, and shoelaces, all meticulously stored. When her husband’s diseases overcame his strength, with constant support from her three children, she struggled and rose to the challenge, keeping stitched together.