Friday Fibers Roundup
June 2, 2017
This week’s Friday Fibers Roundup showcases a mix of exhibition reviews, the world’s most expensive rugs, and a stop-motion music video.

Dolores Slowinski Back to the Wall, the Being Slept 2016, hand-stitching, wax, black drawing paper, 4.5″ x 3.25″.
1) Organized in response to MAD’s exhibition fashion after Fashion, Performance | Kinetic Intimacies features new works that navigate the intersections of fashion, sculpture, installation, and performance. The program is on Thursday, May 25, 2017 from 6:30 to 8:30pm at MAD.
2) In their History of Textile Art Series, The Textile Artist Blog looks at the extraordinary life and work of Gunta Stölzl, who was fundamental in the development of the Bauhaus school’s weaving workshop.
3) This slideshow shows some of the world’s most expensive carpets that have gone on auction (via Architectural Digest).
4) Janet Echelman’s TED Talk, “Taking Imagination Seriously“ focuses on changing artistic directions to find something new you would not have expected.
5) “Do Ho Suh Makes Translucent Colorful Replicas of His Previous Homes” by Gabrielle Bruney explores what it feels like to move to another country, as well as Suh’s latest exhibition, Passage/s at the Victoria Miro gallery (via Creators).
6) Noboru Hoareau embroiders fun, yet creepy insects, spiders, and arthropods made mostly of beads, and displayed in honoring frames (via Colossal).
7) “Between the Dishrag and the Tiger” by Toril Moi reviews the exhibition, ´Ode til en Vaskeklut, Hymne til en Tiger´ from Norwegian Textile Artist’s’ 40 year anniversary show back in March (via Norwegian Crafts).
8) The people of Gee’s Bend, AL faced a slew of racism–from slavery to sharecropping–and from these experiences they created an array of beautiful, emotional, and moving quilts.
9) “The Color Palette of Materialism, from Rose Gold iPhones to Millennial Pink Shopping Bags” by Megan N. Liberty reviews Sara Cwynar’s video Rose Gold, which probes our complicated relationship with image-saturated advertising and materialism (via Hyperallergic).
10) Musical artist, James’ video for the song “Moving On” features touching fibers in stop-motion (via Explore Fiber).
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