Still I Rise

Still I Rise

Artist: Roya Amigh

Title: Still I Rise

Attribution: Still I Rise, Roeya Amigh

Year: 2020

Materials: Paper, thread, lace, pieces of cloth

Dimensions: 79 x 61 inches

Image Statement: I Still Rise is based on the collective memories of several [Dis]Honor Killings in Iran in 2020, and its title is borrowed from the eponymous book by Maya Angelou. Due to the pandemic, people in Iran were more active on social media and more involved with the #MeToo movement, allowing me to track down more cases of [Dis]honor Killings. I was about ten years old when I first heard about “honor killing” after a father hung his 16-year- old daughter. Some people in my community were devastated and some people were just fine with it. Since then, I often think about “Maria,” the girl. Her death was one of those echoes of injustice in our life.